Monday, July 2, 2012

Dallas Buddhist Center

Who would have thought there would be a Buddhist temple in urban Dallas. I drove by this area hundreds of times on Forest Lane but had no idea that right behind the main street tucked a Thai temple. Its lovely garden with Koi pond and outdoor sculptures is so picturesque.

I got to visit a few of the Dallas Buddhist Center's festivals this year and experience a little of Thai culture.
There was a Thai Songkran -New Years festival in April! 

Then in May they had a celebration for an new building  addition to their temple. I enjoyed the cultural experience and complementary food and drinks provided!  It was very crowded that day with cultural activities and a parade of people carrying money trees.

Parade with people carrying money trees.

An inside tour of the temple revealed a spectacular view! 
From the stain glass windows to the art adorned walls, it must have been a lot of detailed work involved.

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